1. What the energy of easy-breezy money could FEEL like

2. Nudged me to hatch a plan to defiantly want what I want and to trust myself to GET it

This initial flirtation was the domino effect that helped me to heal my traumatic childhood, which I share in my book “Inner Child Healing. This tease, this money-healing energy eked open the glittery 3rd door

3. Seeded the courage within me, to build a bootstrap effective investment strategy (that bought three homes, self-funded my business while sharing the purest love with my German Delight…mmm

Did I know 20 years ago, that I could become my OWN SWEET RELIEF?
Yet, what I DID know was, I HAD to take a chance on ME!

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If money were your lover, how would you describe your relationship with it? 

I Want this

Investment starts at $ 750  

Take your time in quiet contemplation, Doves. Because, over 20 years ago, I asked myself that very question.
And it took me a loooong time to realize how my DIGNITY and gestating FREEDOM,
were drawn from the well of that connection.

Looking back, as my big toe was squealing in my pleather shoes, that’s when her “eyes” caught mine.  Celine, the exquisite, temptress (the bag). She was bewitching me through Barney’s window.

You, see long before I devoted my life to helping gorgeous souls like you, as an Intuitive Healing Guide,  I spent over 20 years climbing the corporate ranks, honing my skills in investment, banking and risk management.

While there, I witnessed how money seemed to “magic” other people’s lives, but the chariots of financial freedom seemed unavailable to
“people like me”

Because in my mind, I was still that 13 year old girl, living in a
700 ft house, begging my mother if we could have cable TV, which we could not afford. 

In my mind, I was still that chocolate-lollipop-face skinny girl, running away from
trauma nightmares that trampled my nerves.

And in my mind, I HAD to keep living paycheck to paycheck, barely covering rent while sending money back home to St. Kitts whenever I could, to help my family. 
And yet, on that sizzling day in Manhattan as

I was being seduced THROUGH Celine...by a strange type of energy 

And the stress-free investment income + the promise of a new way to BE, flowed through all 3 of these doors,
and helped me to build a knowing that I was made for MORE
Then, this GALL expanded me - to feel, to heal and to become my freedom
And it is available to you too !!

Recently, I received a gorgeous note from a dear student, who joined the 1st iteration of this course, back in 2020:

Wen, ever since you put me on to high yield savings…I’ve been loving it…I am looking forward to learning more from you, so I can be more financially free

This nourishing message also inspired me to share this course “Financial Healing – Making Money In My Sleep”, with you

Because Doves, you too are intuitively knowing what you want, deeply.

Inside this Financial Healing Course: 

*6  Interactive Modules:
Healing + Low Cost, High Yield Investing 

for deep intentional application of the techniques + tools
*Life-Time Access
  to these 6 training modules (Over 300 minutes of training video)  

*Printable Workbooks
for each module, to guide your absorption of the lessons  

*e-Worksheets with exercises, 
to fully practice + integrate the lessons 

*Resource guide to support comprehension

*Access to the private MMIMS Facebook Group, for supportive connection and communication

Financial Healing Exercises 


Doves - You too  ARE the carrier of your sacred dreams
Who do you WANT to become?

Something trickled out from the underside of my 2nd-hand-suit, unlatching
3 doors within me:

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