Mmm… Divine greatness is living inside of you.  How do I know this, dove? You have the GALL, to move through your life, BELIEVING that you were made to live YOUR more.
Look at you!  Twirling in that delicious freedom of being your YOU-est you
And oooh, it’s so scrumptious to witness your GREATNESS in Bloom
Because you are strumming the “good life” that you decide, that you deserve. And you are:

·      Ready to celebrate all your quirks, wisdom and gifts 

·      Willing to tenderize your “bad days” with your joyful inner garden and to share that yummy plump joy with your beloved somebody (your loved ones)

·      Anointed to float in a tapestry of your power – inspiring generations of other humans
And hand in hand we go forward gliding into that love-soaked joy, into a soul-nourishing reality

We are seeding, nurturing, and growing WILD, deliberate flowers (creations), in our inner garden - so that our physical reality (i.e. day-to-day) life becomes even  more delicious!

WELCOME home to peace within yourself and the great FREEDOM to live life on your OWN terms

to your Spring!

Come home to peace with yourself and the great FREEDOM to live life
on your OWN terms

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Thank you, Wen

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